Why React Native is Best for Hybrid App Development

Why React Native is Best for Hybrid App Development 218 billion mobile app downloads happened in 2020. The brisk growth is driven by an exponential rise in global smartphone users all over the world. COVID-19 induced pandemic has also increased the astronomical growth of mobile app downloads in several domains including entertainment, communication, games, education, information, business, and more. Exponential rise in mobile app usage has also snowballed the requirement of shorter development cycles and faster deployment of digital products across various domains. To ensure shorter time-to-market and achieve cost-efficiency, Facebook engineers reshaped the library of JavaScript into React JS . It has enabled developers to develop mobile applications at a more efficient rate. As per the Google Trends stats, “react native app development” has become one of the most popular search terms and it has also surpassed the term “hybrid app development”. Some of the most p...